the face behind hello food reviews
Hi, my name is Madeline LeBlanc and I am Hello Food Reviews. I started my blog by simply sharing my love for food, travel, and fashion. Soon, after a year, it became not only my passion but my calling. I love the idea of sharing restaurant recommendations and recipes with my followers, as well as products they just need to have!
This is a space I created that connects restaurants with customers and businesses with clients. My blog is for anyone and everyone, as I continue to post about my life, interests, and of course food! I have tried so many dishes from different restaurants and many of them are not mentioned on my blog. I post only the best locations. I want my followers to know that I am giving them the best possible places to dine and experience. I want my followers to trust me when I recommend something. When I try a dish and get the feeling of home and comfort, that is when I know it's for my blog. |